Growing your food can be a source of pleasure as well as a source of abundance. Biting into a tomato that is still warm from the sun, picked from your plant and eaten right away is a simple and most liberating pleasure.
Most vegetables will benefit from the following suggestions, which will enable you and your plants to be off to a great start.
How to Grow Vegetables in Pots for Beginners
Choose the Right Type of Container
Do you not know what kind of jar to use for your vegetables? Do not worry; you will probably be more concerned about that than your plants are! The majority of vegetables are unconcerned about the type of containers in which they grow.
The only specifications are that the pot is wide enough to accommodate the plant. Also, that it has drainage holes to allow excess water to drain; choose the containers you want to use before you start planting.
The type and size of pot you want will influence the amount of care your garden requires. So, make sure you choose containers appropriate for the room you have and the vegetables you want to grow.
Select the Right Size of Container
For beginners, the larger the pot, the better. The explanation for this is that larger pots contain more soil and retain moisture for longer, which requires less watering.
Look for containers with a width of at least 10 inches and a depth of at least 12 inches. Also, do not limit yourself to the traditional circular pot plant; window boxes, half barrels, and plastic-lined bushel baskets can all function.
Plants that grow long or develop vines (such as tomatoes and cucumbers) can produce more fruit if they are planted in a container with support. If you place a wire cage inside the container before planting, it will suffice. To reduce the chance of tipping, use bigger, heavier containers for trellised plants.
What Type of Soil to Use in Containers?
Even though vegetables do not care what kind of container they are in, they do require a potting mix that drains well. Your vegetables will thrive in container-specific potting mixes, just like most other container gardens. Load the pots with soil to at least 2-3 inches below the rims; this same additional room at the top will allow you to water thoroughly without the pot overflowing; just before planting, water the soil.
For vegetables, high-quality potting soil is essential. Don’t use soil from your greenhouse instead. It will compact in the pots and prevent water from draining correctly. One of the primary reasons for gardening in containers is to prevent weeds and soil-borne diseases. However, if you use garden soil in your containers, you risk introducing problems.
Choose the Planting Spot Providing the Right Light and Temperature
Tomatoes and peppers, for example, require full sun, which requires at least six hours of direct sunlight every day. However, some gardeners can overestimate the amount of sunlight that an area receives. You will need an accurate estimate if your vegetables are to survive.
Throughout the day, check the location every 30 minutes, to ensure how long the sun shines directly on the spot where you want to position your vegetable container garden. To have an accurate estimate, you could also use a sun calculator.
If you live in a hot environment, you will need to shade your plants. Especially in the afternoons to prevent them from overheating. Also, metal or dark-colored containers should not be used since they can become warm and burn your plant’s roots.
Many vegetables, on the other hand, dislike cold soil. If you live in a cold environment, wait until the temperature is consistently warm before placing your containers outside full time. Several plants need soil temperatures of at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
A thermometer can be used to determine the temperature of your soil. Additionally, before putting your seedlings outside permanently, make sure to harden them off (acclimate them to outdoor conditions gradually).
How to Plant Vegetables in Containers
It is up to you to choose the plants for your container garden. Try to think about what you want to eat as a starting point. Although most vegetables have standard care requirements (full sun and well-drained soil), it is always a good idea to double-check. Particularly if you are growing several vegetables in the same container.
You may begin your vegetable container garden at just about the same time as you would begin planting in the garden. You can start seeds in your pots, grow transplants from seeds started indoors, or buy transplants from a garden center. Of course, it depends on the vegetables you want to grow.
Add Plants
Allow 3-4 inches across each plant and change spacing as per seed package instructions. A good idea is to plant more seeds than you will need, because not all of them can germinate and thin the excess water. Place transplants or starters at the same stage as they had been when they were in their pots.
However, the same does not apply to tomatoes. You can pinch off their lower leaves and plant them more deeply in the container. If you are planting transplants, loosen the root ball by gently tugging on the roots before placing it in your container. To help identify each plant, attach plastic tags.
Feeding Your Plants
Plants need nutrients to survive, and fertilizer is their food. If your soil does not already have fertilizer mixed in, do so many times during the growing season, following the label’s instructions. Before planting, few gardeners combine granulated organic fertilizer into that same container.
After that, add diluted liquid fish emulsion or liquid seaweed every couple of weeks to provide the plants with the nutrients they need. Making or purchasing compost, which helps feed the plants, is another way to add nutrients. Do not over-fertilize; the plants will grow too fast and flop over, and their flavor will suffer as a result.
Watering Your Container Garden
After planting, water the seeds or transplants gently yet thoroughly to settle them. Mulch the potting soil with straw, compost, leaf mold, or another similar substance to keep it from drying out as quickly. To keep your plants safe, water them every few days.
Water is needed by many vegetable plants, such as tomatoes. You do not want to drown your plants, though. The aim is to maintain moist soil without being soggy. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil to see if your plants need water.
If the soil feels dry, moisten it. If you are not sure, wait a little longer during the day to examine. You will possibly have to daily water at least once during the summer, if not twice, a day. It is often the most time-consuming and essential part of vegetable container gardening.
Creating Optimal Drainage
To prevent plants from drowning, proper drainage is essential. So that your plants do not remain in excessively wet soil and succumb to root rot, the bottom of your container should allow excess water to drain.
At the bottom of your bottle, there should be one big hole or multiple smaller holes. If the drainage in the pot is inadequate, you can generally drill holes in it. Also, you can cover a big hole with a coffee filter or plastic filtering before adding soil.
The above practice is to prevent the dirt from falling out the bottom. If you place your container on a hard surface, the hole will close up. Your plants can drain more quickly if you elevate your container with pot feet or a pot cart.
Vegetable Harvest Tips
Harvest is perhaps the most rewarding move, and getting it right does not take long. Harvest your plants as soon as it reaches a size that you will enjoy. Harvesting early and often can increase the yield of most vegetables. Allowing plants to “go to seed” also results in a decrease in fruit sets.
When harvesting something other than root crops, use pruners, scissors, or a knife to pick what you need. If you attempt to take leaves or fruits off by hand, you risk destroying the plant. The worst-case scenario is you can uproot it from the pot.
Final Thoughts
To grow your food, you do not need to dig up a large plot in your backyard. You can produce an edible container garden even if you only have a small space on your porch or patio.
Did you know that you can grow almost any vegetable in a jar? It can save you a lot of money at the grocery store. If your plants do not grow and yield, vegetable container gardening can be a frustrating hobby. By following these instructions, you can have a happy and healthy crop of container-grown veggies.
To begin, simply locate a sunny location for your container and select a few different vegetables that you and your family enjoy eating. Eventually, you will have new, fresh vegetables right outside your house!
Vegetable production in containers opens up endless potential, and that you can also cultivate and reap unusual and delicious varieties that you would not usually find in the supermarket.
Those facts alone should make you want to start with container-grown veggies as soon as possible and enjoy the many benefits! Why not? It’s cheaper, and it’s healthier. Do you know of better reasons?
Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer
Edited By
Patricia Godwin