Chilies are commonly mistaken for vegetables or peppers and are known as banana peppers.
The term ‘banana peppers’ comes from the notion that they resemble the shape of a banana. Banana peppers are commonly used in salads, pizza toppings, and spaghetti sauces, but they can also be fried.
There are two types of banana peppers: hot banana peppers and sweet banana peppers. From planting time, they need around 70-85 days to develop. Banana peppers may be picked at any stage of development once you’re ready to eat them. We recommend harvesting your banana peppers at various stages of maturity to see which ones you prefer.
When Should Banana Peppers Be Picked?
When picking banana peppers, the time of day and year are critical considerations. Regarding harvesting times, the planting date specifies when you should do it.
Because banana peppers take 70-85 days to develop, you’ll need to keep an eye on them and estimate when they’ll be ready to harvest.
However, this is not a set time, as peppers may mature quicker or slower depending on the growing circumstances.
This includes everything from maintaining the proper temperature to the quality of the soil in which they grew.
When utilizing this time factor, be sure you use it in conjunction with the color determinant factor. You don’t want to collect banana peppers that aren’t fully ripe.
Furthermore, it has been determined that the optimal time to harvest banana peppers is in the fall; nevertheless, attempt to grow them in the summer.
It’s crucial to know when the best time is to select your banana peppers. You should not harvest your peppers too early or too late in the day.
You must choose them carefully. And it’s just after the morning dew had evaporated.
The peppers will be dry by the time the morning dew has evaporated. If you pick your banana peppers when they’re moist, you risk scratching or scraping them, exposing them to disease-causing microorganisms.
What Is The Best Way To Pick Banana Peppers?
You should now be able to choose your banana peppers with confidence. Before you begin picking/harvesting the banana peppers, make sure the whole plant is free of discoloration.
Soft spots, mildew spots, or blossom end rot are all examples of discoloration.
Removing them from the plant lowers the risk of infection among the others, as well as the risk of you eating or selecting a rotting banana pepper.
Harvesting hot banana peppers are far less difficult and time-consuming than harvesting sweet banana peppers.
Picking hot banana peppers involves carefully pulling the plant to the side with one hand to reveal the peppers you wish to select. The next step is to snap the hot banana pepper off the plant by holding it at the base of the stem where it is connected.
When it comes to spicy banana peppers, keep in mind that when they’re ripe, they’ll easily snap.
Using scissors or pruning shears is another alternative for harvesting banana pepper. This is considerably simpler for your plants because you won’t have to worry about ripping off branches when collecting pods.
Make a clean snip anywhere along the pepper’s stem, taking care not to clip any branches or leaves in the process.
The purpose is straightforward: pick the peppers off the plant. Any method you choose to do this is correct, so don’t overthink it.
After you’ve finished harvesting, rinse the banana peppers in a bucket of clean water and get ready to store them effectively.
When Picking Banana Peppers, What Color Should They Be?
The question, “What color should your peppers be when you choose them?” has an easy solution. It’s entirely up to you how spicy you want your peppers to be.
Like other chilies and bell peppers, banana peppers start green and turn red as they mature.
Peppers are harvested when they are immature by many producers and amateur growers. Many bell pepper cultivars, for example, develop yellow, orange, or red, yet they are usually plucked when they are still green.
Many chili peppers, particularly the spicy variant of banana peppers, are the same way. Jalapenos are typically chosen when they are a dark green hue and are around 3 inches long (76 mm).
On the other hand, green peppers and chilies are not fully mature while they are still green, even if they have attained their ideal size and length.
Green banana peppers have no flavor, so it’s better to let them mature until they turn yellow.
The heightened hue will signify improved flavor from then on. As a result, the flavor of yellow hot banana peppers will be mild. It’s all up to you.
It’s advisable to wait until your ripe banana peppers become red if you want them spicy. However, unlike bell peppers, which do not grow after being harvested, chili peppers typically do if kept at room temperature.
Why Should You Pick Banana Peppers Before They’re Fully Ripe?
Banana peppers aren’t the only type of pepper that’s picked early. Many pepper cultivars, including jalapenos, green bell peppers, and others, are usually harvested before they turn color.
So, there are two major causes as to why peppers are picked so early.
One reason is to cut down on the amount of time it takes to harvest your crops. This is the primary reason peppers are selected unripe from a business standpoint. Peppers that have fully grown might take a further 2-4 weeks to harvest.
The texture is another factor. Underripe peppers have a crisper, crunchier feel than completely ripe ones. Fully ripe banana peppers have softer skin and a sweeter flavor.
So, allow your banana peppers to fully develop to a rich red hue if you wish to save seeds for next year’s planting. The seeds will be completely formed and viable as a result of this.
Banana peppers may be stored in the refrigerator for approximately two weeks, but if you want them to keep their fresh flavor, you should freeze, can, or pickle them. You may also dry banana peppers in the sun.
Final Thoughts on When to Pick Banana Peppers for Better Results.
We hope this article has given you something to look forward to brightening up your veggie garden, your cooking, and your health.
Who doesn’t love s good pepper?
Jenny Marie
Tribal Editor
Edited By
Patricia Godwin