If you are considering planting a Weeping Cherry Tree in your yard, it is a good idea to read about growth guidelines.
Weeping Cherry Trees, formerly from Japan, are known for their flowers called Sakura. When their pendulant branches are covered in pink or white flowers, the Weeping Cherry Tree blossoms are at their best. A lovely, graceful statement tree that draws lots of attention when it’s dressed in its elegant summer gown.
Weeping Cherry Tree likes full sun to develop and bloom, although it may tolerate moderate shade. Good air circulation around the tree’s canopy is critical for disease prevention.
As a result, while planting Weeping Cherry Trees, keep in mind the cultivar’s eventual size. Plant the tree far enough away from structures and other trees to avoid having to prune the tree’s beautiful branches.
Avoid using pesticides while the Weeping Cherry Tree blossoms are in bloom because they attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
How to Plant a Weeping Cherry Tree
Weeping Cherry Trees thrive best and flower most profusely in full sun, although a little shadow is fine.
Weeping Cherry Trees dislike dry weather. Therefore the soil must have excellent drainage and be kept moist.
Weeping Cherry Trees should be planted in a hole twice as deep as the root ball and two to three times as broad.
Also, before placing the tree in the hole, make sure the base of the trunk is level with the surrounding dirt by laying a yardstick or tool handle across it.
To the hole or the backfill dirt, no fertilizers should be added. You want the roots to extend out into the surrounding soil, using any soil amendments or fertilizers will only keep the roots in the hole.
Start filling the hole with dirt, pushing air pockets out with your foot as you go.
Fill the hole halfway with water, and then let the water fully drain before filling it with dirt. Only stake the tree if it is essential, and then remove the stakes after a year.
The graft bump around the base of the trunk should be visible on tiny and dwarf weeping trees. This should be 2″ to 3″ (5–7.5 cm) above the level of the earth.
You will need to stake the Weeping Cherry Tree for the first year to keep it upright whilst allowing its roots to develop.
Fill the leftover area with soil that has perlite mixed in for increased drainage once your tree has reached the proper height.
It’s critical to avoid causing damage to the roots. Therefore, to eliminate any air pockets, firmly press the ground down.
Then water the plant thoroughly and apply a 2″ (5 cm) layer of mulch around the trunk, leaving a surrounding concentric 2″ (5 cm) space.
To maintain the tree growing properly throughout the first two seasons, you will need to water it regularly during dry times.
General Care Guide
The Weeping Cherry Tree is simple to look after. However, for this plant to remain healthy, it must have its unique demands satisfied.
Every gardener must consider the soil, light, and moisture requirements of the tree type. Fertilizing, pruning, and pest and disease management are all essential aspects of good maintenance.
Fulfilling these requirements ensures a beautiful tree for years to come.
1. Amount of Sun
A sunny setting is ideal for most kinds. Choose a spot in your yard that gets about eight hours of direct sunlight every day.
You will get the best growth and the most blossoms if you do it this way. The tree’s development will be slowed, and the number of blooms it produces will be reduced under shady circumstances.
2. Space
A minimum of 4 to 6 feet of open space surrounding the trunk is required for these decorative trees. This permits the branches to move freely and reduces soil nutrient competition.
Allow plenty of air to circulate the plant to keep the flowers and foliage dry and free of water-borne illnesses.
As the size of the Weeping Cherry Tree can’t be regulated via pruning, it needs ample space to mature. Consider growing a smaller variety if you have a limited planting area.
3. Soil Conditions
Loamy soil with good drainage is ideal for Weeping Cherry Tree trees. Heavy, non-draining soils, such as straight clay, hold an excessive amount of water, promoting root rot.
Although this species likes dampness, wet feet are not one of its preferences. Before planting new trees, adjust the soil with organic matter if your land has thick, nutrient-depleted soil.
Well-rotted manure or compost can be added to the soil to improve fertility and drainage.
Cover the planting area with a 6- to 8-inch layer of mulch. Work it into the native soil to approximately an 8-inch depth.
Weeping Cherry Tree requires acidic, rich soil in the backyard. If your soil is sandy, you should add compost to make it more acidic.
To improve drainage, you may also work with perlite, pumice, or broken granite.
Containers may be used – tubs or pots of different designs and materials – to cultivate the Weeping Cherry Tree.
Utilize an aerated potting mix including one component houseplant soil, one part peat moss, and one part perlite if you decide to do this.
4. Water Needs
Even though many plants are tolerant of drought, the optimum growth comes from consistent rainfall once established.
Water your plants frequently and deeply, especially if the weather is hot and dry. This will result in a more powerful root system.
Watering is necessary for Weeping Cherry Trees. So keep the soil wet but not soggy. Water a Weeping Cherry Tree tree once or twice a week during dry seasons, allowing the tree enough water to absorb into the roots.
Between watering, let the soil dry out. If a Weeping Cherry Tree is grown in damp soil, it can suffer root rot.
Weeping Cherry Trees do not need to be watered in the winter. This is because weeping Cherry Tree development slows down during winter and does not require any more irrigation.
When the weather is hot and dry, you may need to water several times each week. Soak the roots in water until they are thoroughly soaked.
5. Mulch
There are numerous advantages to applying a layer of mulch beneath the tree. For starters, it aids in the control of undesirable weed growth. Organic mulch also aids in the retention of moisture in the soil, reducing the number of times you must water the tree.
Spread a 3 – to 4-inch coating evenly around the tree’s base. To avoid illness, make sure to create a gap several inches from the trunk.
6. Fertilizer Needs
Fertilizing Weeping Cherry Tree in the early spring encourages beautiful flowers and robust development. Use a blooming tree and shrub-specific slow-release formula.
When determining how much to use, always refer to the label directions. More isn’t always better, as too much might cause the foliage to burn.
Compost is the finest fertilizer for Weeping Cherry Trees.
Spread lots of compost under the canopy of your Cherry Tree’s cascading branches to prepare it for blossoming in the spring.
Scratch it into the soil by scratching it into the surface. Mulch may also help to retain moisture and offer extra nutrients to the soil as it decomposes.
Water the fertilizer thoroughly once you’ve distributed it out evenly. If you spread the fertilizer up against the trunk, it will burn. If any of the product gets on the foliage, wipe it off immediately.
You may also achieve a similar effect by spreading a layer of well-rotted manure.
7. Pest Problems
Weeping Cherry Trees are vulnerable to a variety of pests. Infestations can be caused by various insects, including scale, spider mites, aphids, and others. With appropriate maintenance, you can avoid a lot of issues.
To control potential pest issues, however, prompt detection and treatment are critical. In addition, treating the problem soonest reduces the likelihood of an infestation spreading.
Scales, for example, are more severe bugs that demand more aggressive treatment. To solve the problem, look through our pest guides. Consider horticulture oil and other such items.
When it comes to quantities, mixing, and application, always follow the directions on the label.
When the weather is scorching and sunny, do not apply in the middle of the day. Wait till late in the afternoon when things have calmed down.
Aphids and spider mites are easily controlled using insecticidal soap. Again, when it comes to mixing and application frequency, always follow the instructions on the label.
Below Are The Most Frequent Pests to Infect A Weeping Cherry Tree:
A. Aphids
These are tiny insects, probably less than 1/4 inches, that live in huge colonies and feed on plant sap.
Numerous varieties of aphids can harm Weeping Cherry Trees, but the most frequent is the black cherry aphid, which has a glossy black hue.
They can produce twisted and withered leaves, as well as a sticky residue on the tree’s leaves known as honeydew.
B. Cherry Leaf Spot
It is a fungal infestation on Weeping Cherry Tree leaves that creates purple, yellow, and black patches.
As the illness progresses, the size of the spots will increase, causing the leaves to drop off.
C. Cytospora Cankers
It is a fungal infestation on the tree’s bark that creates yellow and sticky sores. The canker will ultimately kill the wood beneath it, and the tree may drop off its leaves.
D. Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetles have a glossy green body and brown wings and are about 3/8-inch long. They generally feed in groups on plant leaves and blossoms. They will defoliate or “skeletonize” vast portions of a tree.
E. Powdery Mildew
It is a fungal infestation on the tree’s leaves and blossoms that appears as a white powder. The development of the afflicted branches may be stunted, and the leaves may fall off early.
Powdery mildew is a disease that may be avoided. Simply ensure that your tree is planted in ideal circumstances. Mildew is encouraged by overhead irrigation, gloomy environments, and overcrowding with poor air circulation.
F. Spider Mites
These are tiny, stick-like arachnids that feed on the leaves of plants and trees, even though they are not officially spiders. Spider mites come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They come in a variety of colors, including red, green, yellow, and brown.
G. Tent Caterpillars
As their larvae feed on the leaves of a tree, tent caterpillars build webbed, tent-like homes on the leaves. Although they seldom injure the tree, the nests and gnaw scars they leave on the foliage can be unattractive.
H. Twig Cankers
Cankers are rough-textured, discolored depressions or malformations on tree branches caused by a bacterial illness.
Twig cankers can result in the death of the afflicted limb or the appearance of spots on the leaves.
It appears more frequently on young trees and is most likely to occur in the spring.
I. Verticillium
Yellowing leaves, wilted or dead branches, and slowed growth are all symptoms of a fungal infestation. Verticillium can appear at any time of year, although it is more prevalent in summer.
J. Borers
Borer infestations are common in the Weeping Cherry Tree tree (both adult and larval). Sap dripping from the trunk is a clue that you have a borer problem.
Severe infestations might be deadly, necessitating the removal of the tree. If borers are an issue, remove any wood that has been damaged.
Using sterilized pruning tools, cut back the infected branches to a healthy portion of the wood. When you are finished, apply horticultural oil to the area.
If your Weeping Cherry Tree is healthy and you continue to supply it with the sunlight, water, and nutrients it needs, it should be able to withstand a modest infestation.
7. Disease Problems
As you develop a Weeping Cherry Tree, you may encounter a variety of disease problems. These issues may necessitate therapy. Remove any falling debris from the area beneath the cherry.
Grow in suitable soil and with the right amount of water. Irrigate the foliage early in the day to ensure that it dries before dark.
When the weather is excessively moist, root rot might develop. This might be due to a lack of drainage in the soil or an overabundance of water.
Growing the tree in its optimum soil type with excellent drainage is the best approach to avoid rot.
Various leaves issues may be avoided by using a pesticide or horticultural oil. Employ either treatment while the tree is leafless in the winter. Make sure the space is clear of any fallen leaves or other debris that might contribute to these issues.
8. Remove Suckers
Weeping Cherry Trees commonly grow “suckers” that sprout from the base of the stem in the early spring.
If you do not remove the suckers, the tree will ultimately be taken over, eliminating the tree’s unique weeping effect.
A graft scar may be seen at the top of the rootstock below the branches on most Weeping Cherry Tree plants.
If any branches emerge from the graft scar, they will be from a wild cherry tree, not a Weeping Cherry Tree. Also, get rid of all these sprouts.
Make sure you start trimming as soon as the shoots begin to emerge. The longer you wait to prune, the more energy the plant expends, producing the new growth.
Pruning a Weeping Cherry Tree
One of the most misinterpreted elements of horticulture maintenance is pruning. You do not want to perform any significant branch cutting to shape the Weeping Cherry Tree because it has a natural cascading appearance.
Only sick, damaged, or crossed branches, as well as water sprouts, need to be pruned. To avoid illness, disinfect your pruning instruments before making any cuts.
Weeping Cherry Trees come in a variety of sizes, ranging from eight to forty feet tall.
Pruning these trees correctly keeps them looking attractively flowing, while also preventing disease growth and spread. In early spring or late fall, prune the tree while it is dormant (no blooms or leaves on the branches).
Yearly, Use Bypass Pruning Shears to Do the Following Procedures:
• Prune any branch close to the ground to at a minimum of six inches off the ground.
• Cut away any branches that are pressing against one another.
• Remove any branches that are more than two inches apart from one another.
• Get rid of any dead branches.
• Cut back any stems or branches growing out of the tree’s trunk or around the base, also known as the suckers.
• Prune the tips of the branches along the canopy’s perimeter to create a balanced, consistent shape.
• On grafted Weeping Cherry Trees, remove straight-growing branches to continue to expand upward rather than weeping down.
• Remove the tangled cluster of branches that frequently form around the base of the canopy of grafted plants.
• Regardless of the season, remove unhealthy branches as soon as they are detected. To avoid disease transmission, sterilize the blade of your cutting instrument in between cuts.
Propagating a Weeping Cherry Tree
Since your Weeping Cherry Tree is almost certainly the result of a graft, rooting a cutting from the scion or rootstock for propagation will not result in another Weeping Cherry Tree.
A grafted tree combines the best characteristics of its scion and rootstock to form a single “supertree.”
Both the branch and the rootstock will fall short of what you have come to expect from the grafted product if they are separated from one other.
Softwood cuttings can be used to grow Weeping Cherry Tree, which will be ready to transplant in a year. When the tree’s blossoms have gone and new leaves have developed on the bramble, start the propagation procedure in the spring following the last frost.
Simply fill a small nursery pot halfway with a soilless medium that is loose and drains well. Perlite, sand, vermiculite, peat moss, or a mix of these can be used. Soak the medium in water and drain any surplus water.
• Remove a three- to six-inch portion from the tip of a Weeping Cherry Tree tree limb, 1/8-inch below the point where a leaf joins the stem.
• Pull the lower leaves off to reveal the nodes.
• The rooting hormone should be applied to the cut end and leaf nodes.
• Insert the cut end of the plant into the nursery pot, with the leaf nodes slightly below the media’s surface.
• Put the container in a dimly lit place indoors, and water the medium when the top inch feels dry.
• For about a month, gently tug on the cutting and feel for resistance to see if root growth has occurred.
• Once the cutting has established roots, place it in a nursery pot filled with potting soil mix.
• After acclimating the cuttings to the outdoors (a.k.a. hardening off) by placing the container in direct sunshine for approximately a week, you should transplant them outside in the fall.
Common Varieties of Weeping Cherry Trees
You may select from an extensive range of different kinds of Weeping Cherry Trees. If you cannot purchase one at your local garden center, internet plant sellers are likely to have supplies.
Below Are Some of The Most Prevalent Types of Weeping Cherry Trees:
1. Weeping Higan Cherry Tree
Since it can blossom occasionally relatively earlier in the year, this kind is classified as a winter-flowering variety—semi-double blooms in a beautiful pinkish or creamy white color.
The tree grows to be 30 feet tall and 25 feet broad when fully grown. It loves direct sunlight and consistent hydration.
Although it is drought resistant once planted, it thrives with consistent rainfall. This cultivar can be grown in zones 4 and 5.
2. Weeping Fuji Cherry Tree
This Weeping Cherry Tree, despite its diminutive size, has a striking appearance. It may reach a height of 4 to 12 feet and a width of 8 feet.
In the spring, the arching branches are festooned with beautiful white blossoms. The shiny green foliage becomes bright copper and crimson in the fall.
It is an excellent accent tree for small gardens or patio settings because it is so attractive.
It loves to grow in a sunny spot with well-drained soil.
3. Weeping Yoshino Cherry Tree
This variety produces a spectacular show of arching branches loaded with white flower clusters in the early spring.
It is a fast-growing tree that reaches a height of 20 to 25 feet and a width of 20 to 25 feet. It is a great year-round accent tree because it is so showy.
It is also an excellent choice for pollinator gardens. It prefers rich, well-drained soils and thrives in a sunny setting. It cannot grow on clay soil that has not been treated.
4. Double Pink Weeping Cherry Tree
This is a beautiful ornamental tree with beautiful drooping branches that makes an attractive shape. Early spring produces pretty dark pink flowers that develop into double, light pinkish blooms.
The branches are so densely packed with blooms that they appear to be weeping along those heavily laden branches.
Newborn leaves are bronze in color, green in late spring, and strikingly crimson and orange in the fall.
The tree reaches a height of around 25 feet when fully grown. It enjoys full sun and rich, well-draining soils.
5. Pink Snow Showers Weeping Cherry Tree
A variety of Weeping Cherry Tree trees which are known as pink snow showers are tiny landscape blooming trees that bloom in the spring.
Masses of double pink or mauve blooms cascade down the branches. Pink Snow Showers Weeping Cherry Tree trees are appreciated for their exquisite hanging blooms and foliage.
The crimson bark contrasts with the dark green foliage, which turns golden yellow in the fall, to make this Weeping Cherry Tree tree stand out.
This elegant Weeping Cherry Tree tree reaches a height of 25 feet (7.6 meters) and has a comparable spread.
Landscape Design Tips
Weeping Cherry Trees are a lovely and eye-catching complement to any garden. They add color and interest to the region all year, thus blending very nicely with any landscape style.
Its varied exceptional looks have plenty to offer whether it is spring, summer, fall, or winter. Trees may be used in several landscape settings.
Their tiny stature makes them a lovely accent to even the smallest garden.
In addition, the tree looks great near small houses and rural gardens. It’s also ideal for pollinators and wildlife gardens, like butterfly gardens, because of the blooms and fruit.
They are ideal focus elements in any garden because of their spectacular floral display.
The vibrant fall leaf colors and dramatic bark color brighten up the landscape in the fall and winter.
Grow them in a cluster for a spectacular show. If you have adequate room in your garden, combine different types of the tree.
Year after year, the scale of color will astonish you. When used to line a road or walkway, they are outstanding, and they lend color and charm to any porch or patio area.
Weeping Cherry Trees will illuminate your yard wherever you plant them, with a brilliant show of color that will last for years.
General Information
The Weeping Cherry Tree tree belongs to the Rosaceae family and the Prunus genus. It is renowned for its Sakura flowers, which are native to Japan and have been lauded and glorified in numerous Japanese poems.
The Weeping Cherry Tree has held in such high regard that Japanese fighter pilots painted it on their planes during World War II.
Festivals and flower viewings are organized in Japan specifically to showcase these trees. They are a prominent and highly valued part of Japanese culture. For decades, the cherry blossom has been designated as Japan’s national flower.
Zones 5 to 8 are suitable for growing the Weeping Cherry Tree tree. Most types develop to a height of 20 to 25 feet and a spread of 15 to 20 feet.
Dwarf Varieties
Are only approximately 10 feet tall and 12 feet wide. As a result, they’re ideal for smaller landscapes.
Growing in an erect, spreading form, it has thin, cascading branches that can easily touch the ground. As a result, an optical umbrella effect is created.
While some types bloom throughout the winter, the majority bloom in the spring. The slender branches then burst with a profusion of pink or white blooms that are breath-takingly beautiful.
Even when the tree is not blooming, it offers a splash of color to your garden. In the fall, the deciduous, serrated, green leaves turn a flaming red, yellow, and orange color.
When there are no leaves on the branches in the winter, the gleaming, coppery bark lends a touch of enchantment to your yard.
Umbels with two to five blooms explode upon the scene before the leaves develop in early April.
Blooms are pink or white, solitary, or double, depending on the kind. As the cascading branches load with beautiful flowers, white blooming types resemble snow fountains.
Small red or black fruits with a 1/3-inch diameter develop along the arching branches after the blossoms fade in the summer.
Even though they are too sour for humans to eat, birds find them to be appetizing delicacies. As a result, this woody shrub is an excellent addition to wildlife gardens.
These gorgeous trees do have one drawback: they do not have a lengthy lifespan. After 25 to 50 years, they usually start to deteriorate.
They have the best chance of living a long, trouble-free life if they are properly cared for.
Final Thoughts
Overall, while the notion of planting a Weeping Cherry Tree is a wonderful one, you should learn everything you can about it before buying one impulsively and then abandoning it because you do not have much time or patience.
Though these trees may appear to take more upkeep than a typical tree, bear in mind that all your efforts will be rewarded in the spring when it blossoms.
Because of the amazing landscape addition, you designed and accomplished singlehandedly, your friends and neighbors cannot help but congratulate you.
If you are serious about having your own personal Weeping Cherry Tree in your garden, we wish you well and congratulate you on your good taste, your commitment and for a large contribution of beauty and interest to the general neighborhood!
Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer
Edited By
Patricia Godwin