Bulbs can grow through mulch. Bulbs have much-accumulated energy comparing to seeds and what is greater is that they can also grow up through 2 inches of mulch. But it should not exceed 2 inches because the plants will die before breaking through to the surface. Besides, it’s okay to mulch your bulb during early spring.
Mulch and bulbs work well together – best friends helping each other. Bulbs easily grow through 4 inches (10 cm+) of mulch. A light, fluffy mulch and a relentlessly, strong bulb. The bulb pushes fiercely upwards, while the mulch steps aside so the bulb can push through into the daylight and live.
Will Bulbs Grow through Mulch?
The bulbs are planted quite deeply into the soil. But nothing stops them on their journey to break through the mulch and out into the light.
Perennials do the same thing, by the way. They die in the ground in winter, then push their way up through any mulch present in the spring.
A Reminder
The purpose of a mulch is to not stifle any established weeds: they will also grow up through the mulch. That layer of mulch What the mulch does is to that the w the development of weed seeds.
It will also avert bulbs and perennials from self-sowing.
So, mulch is not a weed smotherer but more of an anti-germinator. It won’t harm your bulbs!
Talking about bulbs, – as we are – it is better that you also know some tips for planting your favorite bulbs so you can stop the undesirable plight of certain bulbs you’re intending to plant.
Tips In Planting Bulbs
• Pick A Quality Bulb
The smart way in planting a bulb is to first choose a high-quality bulb. You need to look for a bulb that is firm and plump.
Be cautious in choosing and do avoid bulbs that are mushy and soft or having mold appears to grow on them.
Please look for a big bulb, because the bigger the bulbs more it blooms unlike smaller bulbs with the same variety.
• Choose A Right Spot
Regardless of choosing the best quality of bulbs- it’s not used when you planted it in the wrong spot.
Most bulbs grow successfully in an area that has full sun (6 hours at least of direct sun a day will do) and well-drained soil.
• Choose The Right Time
The planting of a bulb is dependent on when it blooms. A bulb that blooms during spring, for example, – tulips and daffodils – should be planted in September or October.
Those are the correct months when the soil temperatures have cooled. A Dahlia and Gladioli summer- with these lovely plants in full bloom, means they are best planted during springtime where the danger of frost is expected to pass.
• Make Sure You Plant It Deep
Make sure you dig a hole two to three times deeper than the bulb height. In this regard, if you have a 4-inch-tall bulb, dig a hole 7 to 10 inches deep.
But there’s an exception you just need to check the direction with the bulbs information that you get or labeled in the package of the bulbs where put in its instruction or direction- just take time to read.
• The Placement Should Be Pointy Side Up
The pointed end of the bulb, that’s the side that faces up of the bulb, that’s its pointy side up.
If you happened not to see a pointy side, take a look at the roots and locate where the roots come out and it ends that goes down.
So, the root should be put down and the upper side should be at the top.
• Provide Good Soil
The same with most plants, bulbs also grow fine when provided with well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.
So you need to mix compost into your planting holes’ bulbs to expect a good blooming. This is vital when you have heavy clay soil or wet ground.
• Get rid of weeds
Beside of the ugliness that weeds can give on their appearance in your garden, weeds also steal nutrients from the soil and insect or disease is attracted to it.
To prevent issues regarding weeds you need to spread 2 to 3 inches of mulch to the soil. Bulbs can easily push up through it, but weed seeds won’t mostly.
• Enough Watering
Of course, Bulbs also need enough water to grow well. Enough watering will let your bulb produce roots and grow quickly.
Enough watering will minimize air pockets in the soil that would harm your bulb because it will dry out.
• Protecting Your Bulbs From Animals
There are annoying squirrels that would harm your bulbs because they will dig up your freshly planted bulbs.
So, you need to spread some mulch to hide your bulb holes. If this isn’t helpful, but above a chicken wire over the soil to keep the critter from digging your bulb.
Remove the wire that you put when you notice the bulbs start to appear on the ground.
• Be Easy On It
If you are living in a cold-winter climate and desire to save your tender summer bulbs, you need to store them in a place that is frost-free during winter.
The easy way to do this is to plant the bulbs in containers and sink those containers to the ground.
At the end of the season, you should dig up the containers and put them in the garage, shed, or basement that has about 40 to 55 degrees.
• Plant It In Groups
Bulbs look good when planted in an irregular grouping that is big because the more bulbs the better- instead of straight rows.
Toss them in the ground and plant them where they fall there’s no proper arrangement for the planting. The outcome will look natural and it’s good.
Final Thoughts
Once you know all these things – from our above discussion – things get a lot easier when you’re dealing with bulbs.
If you’ve never tried it before, then consider strongly gardening with bulbs – you never know what happy heights it can lead you to.
Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer
Edited By
Patricia Godwin