What is the Difference Between Hydroton and LECA?

Hydroton, a clay product when mixed in 30% total volume in your next batch of soil, enhances potting soils structure while increasing root production and adequate drainage. LECA, baked clay balls stretching when they come into contact with water. Nutritionally deficient, yet keep the plants’ roots ut of the water yet let the plants sip on the water absorbed by the clay balls, as they’re not always buried in water.

What is Hydroton

This sort of clay product is also used in the soil by some gardeners. Hydroton’s aeration, drainage, and non-compacting properties are frequently used by soil gardeners.

If you are a soil gardener, consider mixing in 30% total volume of Hydroton in your next batch of soil. This will enhance the structure of potting soils while also increasing root production.

Then, to improve adequate drainage, consider adding an inch of pellets to container plants. If you put this layer at the bottom of your planters, the pellets will absorb any excess water.

Abundantly of Moisture

This sort of growth media can keep moisture. One of its most essential characteristics is this. Once you reuse a hydroponic medium, like perlite, it often does not hold moisture.

However, when it comes to Hydroton, things are different since it defies convention. This feature will assist you in maintaining a healthy growing environment for your plants.

Easy to Plant

Since Hydroton is a loose medium, it is very easy to plant. Gardeners can easily remove the plants and replant the clay pebbles after harvest.


Because it is made of clay, it is an environmentally beneficial media to use. Hydroton is environmentally benign, unlike many other media that are used in huge quantities and harm the earth’s supply.


Another advantage of Hydroton is its low cost. You may spend a lot of money on growth media while creating your hydroponic garden.

If you pick Hydroton, this will not be the case. The materials that are used in the production is cheaper.

Furthermore, Hydroton pebbles are reusable, so you will not have to keep buying new ones. You may use them for several years in a row as a growing medium.

carefully remove any organic matter and nutrients from this substance to preserve it. Isopropyl alcohol will be required for this.

Then, before putting any in your grow trays or buckets, give them a good washing with pH-balanced water.


Hydroton is a mineral rather than a contaminant. The best thing is that you can virtually forever reuse them. Before you decide to reuse it, rinse it to remove any organic matter or built-up silt.

A Lot of Air

The roots of your plants will require a lot of oxygen to be healthy. If the roots are depleted of oxygen, root rot begins.

As a result, utilizing Hydroton is a fantastic concept. It can offer ample oxygen to the roots. This is an important component that aids in the growth of strong, thick roots that provide a large crop.

PH Neutral

Whenever utilizing Hydroton, ensure sure the pH level stays between 5.6 and 6.3. If the levels go outside of this range, your plants may suffer from nutritional deficiency.

Certain types of hydroponic medium are alkaline or acidic. Even if they are tolerable, they might make maintaining an optimal pH in your hydroponic crop more difficult.

Hydroton is a pH-neutral substance, as experienced gardeners know. As a result, you will not have to be concerned about such issues.

Microbial Populations

Microbial populations can be discouraged by using grow stones. The bacteria love the biological surface area since it is ideal for them.

As a result, plants have access to nutrients from organic sources. When BSA is reduced, the number of microorganisms is reduced as well. Consequently, the system will become less reliable and responsive.

What is LECA?

LECA refers to Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate, and it is an abbreviation. It seems difficult, but it is pretty simple to explain.

In essence, LECA is a soil-like growth medium in which you may grow your plants.

LECA is a collection of clay balls that are baked and it stretches whenever they come into contact with water.

Because soil includes nutrients, feeding your plants is simple when you utilize it. On the other hand, LECA is nutritionally deficient.

Why Does LECA Beneficial for Growing Your Plants?

You might have been confused about how LECA might help your plants now that you know it is merely a collection of expanding clay balls.

So, listed below are the benefits of using LECA, and then we will discuss them one by one.

1. Easy to Water Plants

By using LECA, you may create a false base and lift your plants’ roots from the pot’s bottom.

Then, fill the container with water until it reaches just beneath the plants’ roots.

Your clay balls can begin to soak up the water in the container while keeping the roots out of the water.

Your plants may now independently choose how much water they need. Your plants may sip on the water that has been absorbed by the clay balls because they are not always buried in water, as is often the case with soil.

If your plants are thirsty, they will develop a preference for the water near the bottom of the container and will quickly drink from it.

2. Lesser Vulnerability of Rotten Rot

In applying soil, water only when the soil feels dry or the plant looks to be in a particular state.

LECA makes watering a lot easier because you just water when the water in the pot is gone. It is either been devoured by the plant or absorbed by the clay balls.

Even though the clay balls are indeed filled with water, the plant will not be overwatered if you add more.

Because it chooses when and how much to drink, your plant will not be overwatered. You risk harming the plant by overwatering it if you add more water while the soil is still moist.

Root rot is less likely with the LECA since it leaves a lot of air gaps between the clay balls. This promotes the transport of oxygen to the roots of your plants.

Root rot is commonly caused by a lack of oxygen at the roots of your plants. You will not need to bother regarding root rot now that LECA has taken care of the issue.

3. Lesser Chance of Getting Pests

The plant will drink when it feels like it and will not be overwatered. Root rot hazards are limited in this circumstance since it is exceedingly difficult to overwater plants.

As a consequence, bugs will not be lured to the rotting roots and soil. If there are fewer bugs, there will be fewer pests.

Another reason LECA reduces pests is that it is not a live-growing medium like soil.

Soil is alive organic material that provides nutrients. This suggests that it might involve insect feeding.

Insects are known to carry and spread diseases in plants, thus removing them decreases your chances of handling a damaged plant.

4. Easy To “Check-In” The Plants

If you are cultivating plants in soil, the only time you will see the roots is when you re-pot them. Between planting and repotting, you will not know what the roots look like or how they are doing.

If you choose to grow your plants in LECA, however, you will be able to inspect the roots every day if you choose. This is not something you should do since some plants resist changes.

Final Thoughts

So now you know and understand the concept we hope it will help you in the future.

Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer

Edited By
Patricia Godwin

Patricia Godwin

Patricia has many years of experience as a content writer on various subjects, but her first love is gardening. She’s never met a plant she didn’t like and, consequently, she writes about every type of plant you can think of. Once an avid gardener with a herb garden, a succulent rockery, and a rose garden – to mention a few. Nowadays, she’s constantly on the move searching for interesting plants to bring to your attention; and explain to you all the details you need to grow, care and maintain these plants.

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