Sedum Clavatum (Tiscalatengo Gorge Sedum) is a beautiful little succulent plant that is much smaller than its name implies.
It has thick, creeping branches terminating in rosettes up to 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter and growing up to 10 cm tall. The foliage is pale green to blue green in color, with crimson tips on occasion. It can be a pot plant, but it makes a perfect ground cover.
How to Grow Sedum Clavatum
Keep in mind that Sedum Clavatum plants require little attention and care. They will flourish in settings that many other plants do, but they will also thrive in less friendly environments.
They are perfect for areas of your yard that get too much sun or too little water to support other plants. When cultivating Sedum Clavatum, there are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Pot and Soil
The drainage of a pot for Sedum Clavatum is the most significant consideration. This succulent’s roots will decay if they are submerged in water for an extended period of time.
The soil must dry fully before the plant can be watered again; thus, proper drainage is essential.
The pot’s drainage design aids in the complete drying of the soil, allowing the succulents to be watered once more.
Cactus soil is the best soil for Sedum Clavatum since it dries out quickly. In addition, the cactus soil’s pH of 5.5 is suitable for the continuing growth of succulents.
2. Light and Temperature
Sedum Clavatum is a tough plant, meaning it can withstand temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Although the succulent can endure bright sunlight, it will thrive in partial shade.
This succulent requires at least six hours of sunlight every day to grow, so planting it indoors may not be a smart choice unless you can offer the necessary illumination.
Sedum Clavatum can be cultivated outdoors all year in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 10a, even though it is not cold hardy.
3. Watering and Feeding
In terms of watering, Sedum Clavatum requires deep watering now and then. Water the soil and allow it to dry for a few days before watering it once again.
This plant will grow vigorously in the cooler months of the year if it is properly hydrated and cared for throughout the year.
In the meanwhile, fertilizers are not required. Succulents can be fertilized only in the fall and spring. To get the greatest results from Sedum Clavatum, you should use slow-release fertilizers prepared with moderate nitrogen.
Propagating Sedum Clavatum
Leaf insertion and branch cutting are all viable methods of propagation for Sedum.
1. Leaf Insertion Propagation Method
Choose Sedum Clavatum leaves in the spring and fall when the weather is warm.
Cut them off entirely to propagate Sedum Clavatum using leaf insertion propagation.
Lay them flat in damp sandy soil with leaves facing up and down, without covering the earth.
The leaves should be put in a cool place after they have been inserted. At the base of the leaves, lobules and new roots should begin to form.
Eventually, the roots are buried in the soil. If Sedum Clavatum is nurtured properly, it will gradually grow into a powerful new plant.
2. Branch Cutting Propagation Method
These methods are faster and more efficient than the leaf insertion methods for propagation of Sedum. Follow these methods to grow Sedum Clavatum using branch cutting technique:
• Selection of Cuttings:
It is more practical to insert branches into Sedum Clavatum’s propagation method rather than leaf insertion. Additionally, it grows more quickly and is loved by flower enthusiasts.
Then, in the spring and fall, select branches that are free of pests, have robust development and have full leaves for cuttings.
• Cutting method:
The cuttings would be pruned appropriately, its length is not constrained, such as the shear mouth after drying.
Remove the lower leaves, and then insert it into a little damp sand bed then normally 20 days after insertion, rooting can be watered, but not excessively.
After the roots have grown to a length of 2-3 cm, you can change the pot and continue to care for them normally.
Overall, propagating Sedum Clavatum is simple. Follow the methods above, whether you are inserting leaves or branches.
When the leaves expand, your Sedum Clavatum pot will become numerous pots, and you can enjoy them to your heart’s content.
How to Care & Maintain Sedum Clavatum
It is not difficult to care for and maintain a Sedum Clavatum plant, but it does necessitate some meticulous attention to detail. Below are the things that you need to consider in maintaining and caring for sedum plants.
1. Avoid Underwatering and Overwatering
Despite its ability to endure dry conditions, Sedum Clavatum blooms and grows stronger when it receives enough water, especially in the summer.
As soon as you see that your succulents’ foliage is wilting or turning yellow, it is time to increase the amount of water you are providing.
Even if you are not overwatering your succulents, you could be. If you overwater your plants, the roots will rot and eventually die.
Overwatering is a common problem for succulent plants in winter when the soil is wet for a long time.
Your watering frequency should be reduced over the winter, especially if your succulents are in hibernation or the roots are rotting.
2. Prevent and Cure Pest Infestation
Sedum Clavatum succulents are often attacked by aphids, especially if they are in a dry environment.
As a result of overwatering, fungus might harm the plants. To get rid of pests, you might apply a pesticide designed specifically for succulents.
This succulent should be grown in an environment with good air circulation to keep pests at bay.
It is possible to cut off the pest-infested sections of your plant, and new ones will grow in their place.
3. Fertilization
Use a granular organic plant food with a gradual or timed release. These are ideal for sedums because they feed the plants over a long length of time.
In general, it is best not to fertilize sedums too often because this might lead to succulent rot and root mortality. The optimum time to fertilize this succulent is in the spring and fall.
4. Re-Potting
Make sure that every year or every two years you repot your Sedum Clavatum plant. As the plant grows, you should move it to a larger container to allow room for the new branches and roots to emerge. The optimal time to repot is in the spring.
Sedum Clavatum Origin & Name
The Crassulaceae family includes Sedum Clavatum, often known as Tiscalatengo Gorge Sedum. This succulent can grow up to four inches in height. Sedum Clavatum leaves are usually blue-green or pale green in color and grow in a rosette pattern.
Sedum Clavatum is native to Mexico’s Tiscalatengo Gorge, which is in the Volcanic Belt near Villa Guerrero. This succulent was not identified until 1959 by a Cornel Professor of Botany named Robert Clausen.
He did not come up with the term “clavatum” to characterize this Sedum species until 1975. This scientific name comes from the Latin word “clava,” which means “club,” and was chosen because the plant’s sepals resemble a form of a baseball.
Final Thoughts
In mid to late spring to early summer, the Sedum Clavatum bears a compact inflorescence with many white star-shaped blooms.
These inflorescences are quite complex and have several purposes.
The flowers are presented in such a way to maximize the transfer of pollen to assist a high volume for the plant’s reproductive achievement.
For the development of flowers and fruits, they provide nutrients.
As the stems lengthen, they lose their leaves, but they are frequently covered by younger stems. Which gives the plant the appearance of a solid mat of lovely succulent gray-colored petals.
This plant is one of the small succulents that are easy to maintain and pretty as a picture. It makes a wonderful ground cover – try it!
Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer
Edited By
Patricia Godwin