Red Dragon (Echeveria Purpusorum) is a plant with short, thick leaves. It is also known as The Rose or Urbinia in some areas, getting its name from the way its leaves are arranged and pigmented. The plant resembled a rose flower when fully developed. The scarlet coloring along the edges of its leaves bestowed the name of Red Dragon upon it and that is its most popular common name.
The Red Dragon is a very attractive small succulent that is resilient and quite hardy. Slow growing and striking in its appearance, it’s a happy plant to have around you.
Things to Consider in Growing Red Dragon (Echeveria Purpusorum)
If you are keeping your succulent indoors, try to put it in a south-facing window because Red Dragon prefers direct sunlight. Windows that face east or west may also be able to offer sufficient sunlight.
An environment with little sunlight is not ideal for Red Dragon. If your indoor space cannot provide enough light for your Red Dragon, you may want to consider purchasing a grow light. A full spectrum growth light will ensure your plant is getting enough light regardless of where you place it in your home or office.
In the correct conditions, Red Dragon can be grown outside. Although partial sun or partial shade is preferable, the full sun may be necessary for some regions. Extremely hot climates may not be suitable for Red Dragon to be in full sun, and the plant may become burnt.
Planting this succulent in a pot that can be taken outside during warm weather and brought inside when temps drop is also a popular option. If this is the case, the plant can be transferred to a better light source.
Allowing a succulent to adjust to increased light over a period of several weeks is critical whenever you bring it outside. You may reduce the odds of your Red Dragon being sunburned by gradually increasing the light every couple of days.
Remember that sunburn damage is irreversible, so you will have to either trim away the burned parts or accept your plant’s new look until new growth replaces the damage. Long periods in a location with excessive light can also cause a plant to die.
Like all succulents, the Red Dragon needs enough water, but not so much that the soil is constantly moist. You would only water it when the soil has dried out.
Lack of water will cause wrinkling or shriveling of the succulent leaves. As a result, the plant’s normally plump leaves may appear narrower than usual.
For this reason, it is important to inspect the soil before watering and keep an eye out for signs of overwatering. There may be yellowing or mushy leaves towards the base of a succulent that has been overwatered.
Overwatering leads to root rot, which will not be apparent until it is too late to save the plant from death. Rotten roots are dark and have a characteristic decaying odor.
Untreated, the rot spreads up the plant’s stem and kills it.
Find out how much water your plant needs by measuring the soil moisture a few inches below where it is planted. If the soil is wet, repeat the test in a few days if necessary.
If you live in an area where winter temperatures regularly drop below freezing, you will need to bring your succulent indoors. It is unlikely that your Red Dragon will be endangered if it is grown inside. This plant should be shielded from chilly drafts and kept warm.
When sheltered from direct sunlight during the hottest time of day, this plant tolerates heat well. Red Dragon will thrive in the shade if you live in a particularly hot climate.
Regarding soil, this succulent has the same requisites as other succulents. It is best to use well-draining soil comprised of coarse sand, perlite, pumice, gravel, or bark.
Large amounts of water-retaining materials, such as peat moss or clay, should be avoided.
If you do not want to make your succulent soil, a commercial cactus and succulent soil mix are suitable.
Large particles in these soils help good drainage and allow airflow around the roots.
Although this is a traditional drainage solution, do not cover the bottom of your pot with rocks.
It does not improve drainage because it brings the water level up closer to the roots of your plant.
You will also want to make sure that your pot enables excess water to drain out of the soil to avoid root rot. It is simple to drill a drainage hole in the bottom of your pot if it doesn’t already have one.
If you’re growing succulents outside, it is best to do so in raised garden beds or berms to help with drainage. Well-draining soil is necessary whether your succulent is planted in the ground or a pot.
Propagating Red Dragon (Echeveria Purpusorum)
This is a slow-growing species. Seed propagation is not the most effective method. It would be preferable and more successful if you used offshoots for growth of further plants. Hence you would cut a shoot from the mother plant with which to propagate.
The mother plant should have produced some offshoots which is a sign of a more mature plant – making it better for propagation.
Wait for the skin of the offshoot to become thicker after cutting it from the main plant with a sharp, sterile blade. It should be planted in well-draining soil with only a small amount of water.
Keep an eye on the soil and observe when it starts to dry out. Water immediately when the soil dries out.
If you want to grow it in the wild, plant it in dry locations during the summer. You should do this using seed if possible.
Because it is a slow grower, it will take a long time. However, for the best results, stick to this strategy.
Make sure the seed you are getting is from a reputable supplier. Many grower’s stores sell only pure seed. If you wish to grow hybrids, you can use hybrids.
Make sure the soil in the region where you will be growing the seed is well-drained and appropriate for the species.
After you have planted the seed, do not cover it. This is to assist it in sprouting. The pH of the soil should be a little higher than 6.0. The species thrives in acidic environments.
To keep moisture from evaporating from the ground, cover the area with a humidity dome or a plastic cover. It is critical to keep the seed out of direct sunlight.
Make sure the space is sufficiently illuminated, though. Shade is a good option. In around 4 weeks, you should see some results. Re-water the region.
Origin of Red Dragon (Echeveria Purpusorum)
Southern Mexico is home to the Red Dragon (Echeveria Purpusorum). It thrives in hot, dry environments. Oaxaca and Puebla are likely to have it.
It can, however, be regrown in the right conditions. The months of May and June are the greatest for seeing this species in the wild.
Echeveria Purpusorum (its botanical name), grows slowly. Its leaves can grow up to 8cm across at their broadest point – feeling like the skin of a lizard. It sprouts sharp leaves, and the entire plant takes on the shape of a fully blossomed rose flower.
You might think it does not have a stem. It does, however, have a short stem, measuring about 7 cm long and 2 cm wide.
Final Thoughts
This little succulent is easy to grow and maintain and has a most pleasing and attractive appearance. Its leaves alter in more intense shades of red according to the time it spends in the sun.
Although slow-growing, it’s fierce in its approach to life and survival – which, together with its color, is probably how it got the name of Red Dragon.
Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer
Edited By
Patricia Godwin