Perle von Nurnberg (Echeveria)

Perle von Nurnberg (Echeveria) is undoubtedly one of the prettiest and easiest of succulents to grow. This is because the family members of Echeveria are all relatively low maintenance.

Soft pearlescent lilac tones form rosettes of Perle von Nurnberg, complemented by coral pink flowers – fascinating and lovely to watch. Easy to grow and maintain – it can transform your house or garden. Beautiful and uncomplaining, this hybrid succulent is a must-have.

Perle von Nurnberg (Echeveria) How to Grow

After knowing the relevant background of Perle von Nurnberg, it is about time to know how to grow them. Again, growing them is easy by simply following these general care tips:

1. Light Requirements

Generally, Perle von Nurnberg needs enough amount of light to fully achieve its stunning look. They need a moderate amount of light from partial shade to full sun for at least 4 to 6 hours per day.

However, things may vary depending on your location and where you grow them. If you live in an area where heat conditions get extreme especially in summer, Perle von Nurnberg might need some protection.

It is best to plant them in containers so you can easily transfer them to a shaded area when the temperature rises.

When grown indoors, place them in the west or south-facing window for better access to sunlight. However, make sure that the plant is not receiving direct sunlight as it can burn them.

If this happens, move the plant a few inches away from the window and rotate the pot from time to time to make sure all sides received equal lighting.

When done right, you shall notice the finest colors of Perle von Nurnberg coming out of their leaves. If you are not getting the best colors you expect them to have, you might consider transferring them to an area with enough access to sunlight.

2. Temperature Requirements

As with other succulents, Perle von Nurnberg is also not tolerant to cold temperatures.

They have little resistance to cold nor are they cold hardy, hence the temperatures should be right above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Although it can tolerate lower temperatures of about 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit but not for longer periods.

When grown directly on the ground, you shall install a greenhouse around them or use a frost cloth to cover them in winter. Therefore, it is better to plant them in containers so you can easily move them when the weather is rough towards them.

In terms of indoors, the normal temperature inside is fine for Perle von Nurnberg. However, when the temperature starts to get cold, you might have to place them under a grow light just to balance things up.

But if you live in an area where the climate doesn’t go extreme, then these things might not be necessary for you.

3. Watering Requirements

Since Perle von Nurnberg is succulent, they are not demanding in terms of watering because they are mildly drought tolerant. However, they may need water during their growth phase, but it will stop once they have fully established.

The weather in your location is a crucial factor in terms of the watering cycle. The ideal watering schedule for this plant is after 7 to 10 days but may differ in high humid places or high-temperature areas.

High humidity areas take some time for the water to evaporate in the soil compared to areas with high temperatures.

In winter, you have to cut the watering schedule every 10 to 14 days especially if the plant is receiving rainwater outside. In summer, you might have an early schedule depending on how the temperature goes in your area as the water dries quickly in the soil.

Before watering, make sure to always check the soil if it is dry or not. If the soil is dry 2 to 3 inches from the surface, that is an indication to water them. Make to let the water flow from the bottom to prevent waterlog which is the main reason for root rot.

4. Fertilizers

Perle von Nurnberg doesn’t need fertilizing, but it will very much appreciate the added nutrition. Be sure to use the fertilizer that is designed for succulents.

Apply fertilizers during spring and summer to supplement their growth phase. Stop putting fertilizer during winter because they will go dormant, and the fertilizer will only burn their roots.

5. Soil Requirements

The golden rule for growing succulents is to always use well-draining soil. They don’t like being soaked in water and prefer enough moisture in the soil. A well-draining soil can give them the right moisture without soaking them in water.

Use a cactus potting mix because they have a great draining ability perfectly designed for growing succulents. You can also add perlite or coarse sand to improve the drainage.

Begin by using the ratio of 2:1 cactus potting mix and perlite or coarse sand. You can also combine the three of them using the ratio of 1:1:1 cactus potting mix, perlite, and coarse sand.

This is extremely helpful especially in high humid places to help the water drain fast and prevent root rot.

6. Transplanting

Perle von Nurnberg needs to be transplanted every year to keep them having a compacted soil. This will ensure that the plant will have continuous growth without having to worry about root rot.

To do this, begin by removing the plant from its old pot and gently remove the compacted soil from the roots. Make sure that the roots are clean and remove rotting roots or leaves when you see them.

Once everything is clean, gently replant the succulent in its new home with fresh and well-draining soil. Water lightly until the succulent has already adjusted to its new home.

7. Propagation

In propagating a Perle von Nurnberg, there are two methods available: leaf cuttings and top cuttings. They are fast and easy to perform.

For leaf cuttings, begin by taking the leaves from a mature and healthy mother plant. To take the leaves, just twist them and pull them away. Make sure that the leaves are matured.

Allow the leaves to dry for a day or so before planting them. Once the leaves have been calloused, gently plant them in well-draining soil and water them when the soil has dried out.

When the leaves have finally rooted, you can start doing your regular watering schedule.

For top cuttings, begin by cutting the top part of the plant using a sharp cutter or pair of scissors. When cutting the top part, make sure to leave a few inches for the base which will be planted.

Leave the cuttings to dry for a few days or so before planting in well-draining soil and follow the same watering procedure with leaf cuttings.

Perle von Nurnberg (Echeveria) Names and Origin

As with other succulents, Perle von Nurnberg has another name which is the Pearl of Nurnberg aside from the ones used in this article. Nevertheless, they are the same.

Moreover, they belong to the family of Crassulaceae, and they are native to Central America and Mexico. Perle von Nurnberg is a popular hybrid succulent of Echeveria Gibbiflora ‘Metalica’ and Echeveria elegans which was created by Richard Graessner in 1930.

This amazing hybrid succulent can grow for up to 3 to 5 inches tall and can spread for 6 inches in diameter if the right conditions are met.

Ideally, Perle von Nurnberg is best grown indoors especially if kept in exposure to bright light near the window or under grow light. But you can still grow them outdoors under USDA hardiness zones 9 to 10.

The other quality of Perle von Nurnberg aside from its two-toned appearance is the coral pink flowers with a yellow interior that blooms during summer.

The foliage of Perle von Nurnberg is a fantastic frosty pale grayish-brown with a light pink to purple shade all over. Later, the plant will produce offsets that can be taken away from the mother plant and make a new plant out of it.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a succulent that can transform either your garden or home decorations, you should never pass by the Perle von Nurnberg.

They are beautiful and uncomplaining, and they are everything you are looking for. Interestingly, they can grow as big as a dinner plate if the right conditions are met.

Jennie Marie
Tribal Writer

Edited By
Patricia Godwin

Patricia Godwin

Patricia has many years of experience as a content writer on various subjects, but her first love is gardening. She’s never met a plant she didn’t like and, consequently, she writes about every type of plant you can think of. Once an avid gardener with a herb garden, a succulent rockery, and a rose garden – to mention a few. Nowadays, she’s constantly on the move searching for interesting plants to bring to your attention; and explain to you all the details you need to grow, care and maintain these plants.

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