How to Grow a Variety of Hibiscus Shrubs

Hibiscuses are large shrubs or small trees that produce huge, colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers over a long season.

It’s A Very Popular Shrub

The large Hibiscus Schrub (or small tree) is a beautiful addition to the garden and puts a smile on everyone’s face when they see it. They hear Hibiscus and look blank, but once you show them an image of a Hibiscus shrub in full flower, they know exactly what you mean.

A Myriad of Colours

These large shrubs produce flowers of different colors, yellow, peach, pink to red, white, etc. Not to forget the black dragon variety that has flowers the shade of burgundy shot with black – quite beautiful!

Four Groups

These plants are divided into four groups:

  • Hardy Hibiscus, the genus that lives in the cooler climes.
  • Rose of Sharon, this is religiously connected to the Jewish Sharon House.
  • Tropical Hibiscus, this type lives in the warmer climates.
  • And all other various species of the Hibiscus, dealing with what isn’t above.

They are Sun Loving and Not Frost Hardy

They are sun-loving and need well-drained soil. They attract hummingbirds and butterflies – depending on where they are. For example, depending on where the plant is situated, if it’s a frost-free area, it could grow up to 15 feet with flowers of over six inches in diameter.

Plant them in Spring, Summer, or Fall at approximately three to six feet apart and adapt quite nicely into the right sized containers.

A Root Ball for Horizontal Root System

It grows off a root ball, and you should dig a hole just as deep as the root ball but about two to three times as wide. Take your Hibiscus out of its container and plant it square in the middle of the hole you’ve dug. Fill up the rest of the hole with soil and then water and allow to drain.

Baby Shrubs – Moist but Not Wet

The baby Hibiscus Shrub needs to be moist but not wet. They need to be fed, pruned, and trimmed. They are cold-sensitive and need to be protected from temperatures below 30 degrees F. Also, they need to be checked regularly for pests, aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs; and sprayed with insecticidal soap when necessary.

Several Hundred Species

A genus of the flowing plants in the mallow family is the Hibiscus, Malvaceae. It’s a large shrub and contains several hundred species native to warm, temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions throughout the world. You’ll easily spot member species because they are usually identified by their magnificent blossoms.

They’re commonly known as Hibiscus, or far less widely known as rose mallow. The genus includes annual, perennial, herbaceous plants, as well as woody shrubs and small trees.

Very Showy Trumpet Shaped, Colourful Flowers

Many species are grown for their beautiful blooms or used as landscape shrubs. They attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. These lovely blossoms open themselves wide and resemble a trumpet with the stem thrusting out of the center.

Some of them look like beautiful flowers, and others look intensely tropical with their beautifully colored blossoms showing curled and crinkled designs with a fusion of color and showy shapes. Quite magnificent.

Hibiscus Tea

Just as you think you know all about Hibiscus, what about the tea? This is made with the hibiscus flowers steeped in boiling water, which produces a healthy and delightful tasting tea resembling cranberry juice’s flavor.

Health Benefits from the Hibiscus Shrub

The tea mentioned above is said to lower blood pleasure, and also, they say it contains numerous valuable vitamins and essential fatty acids! Amazing!

How to Grow a Hibiscus Shrub from a Cutting

Take the bottom of the Hibiscus Cutting and cut just beneath the leaf node – where the leaf was growing. Making sure it is dry. Then, dip the bottom end of the cutting into the rooting powder hormone. Then place this cutting into well-drained soil. You will notice the beginning of growth quite soon – within approximately a week.

How to Grow a Hibiscus Scrub without Hormone Powder

Take the bottom of the Hibiscus Cutting and cut just below the leaf node – where the leaf was growing. Take the cutting and place in a glass of water – about a quarter full. Keep checking this cutting and ensure there’s always a quarter glass of water, and soon it will grow tiny roots which you can then take and plant in soil.

Growing Hibiscus in Pots

This is not the most straightforward task in the world, but it can be done and is often done by those gardeners that have that sure touch and just know what they’re doing.

When you’re planting – or anything else regarding plants – they seem to know whether your confident or not, and they respond accordingly. If you’re unsure and very nervous, don’t be surprised if the plant just keels over on you and doesn’t respond.

How to Grown Your Own Hibiscus Plant

When you pot a baby hibiscus or just take a cutting and start growing from there, the best time is to plant constant watering—not overwatering but consistent watering because, without adequate water, the plant will turn yellow and it will drop the flower buds. You need to frequently check the plant initially as it may require water twice during the hot and sunny weather.

Planting Hibiscus Directly into the Ground

The best time for this type of transplant would be in spring after the weather has warmed up a little. You will need to find a location with full sun, well-drained soil, and preferably a raised bed – significantly if the soil at ground level doesn’t drain away as freely as it should.

Hibiscus Plants in General

Hibiscus Plants have similar needs to many plants, lots of sun, lots of water, and excellent draining. It’s all any plant asks for, plenty of care – in other words, a plant pot full of TLC – and they’ll reward you with the most attractive of plant you could imagine.

Hardy Hibiscus

These plants return every year after winter; they re-awaken and put on a lovely show of colorful blossoms.

Tropical Hibiscus

As we’ve already established, these plants are heat sensitive and will have to be put in pots and taken inside during the winter, but when spring returns, you can put them outside again and watch them flourish.

Some Tropical Hibiscus have been known to live for more than 50 years. What a wonderful thought, to be able to have the pleasure of looking at that beautiful display for all that length of time. Amazing!

Patricia Godwin

Patricia has many years of experience as a content writer on various subjects, but her first love is gardening. She’s never met a plant she didn’t like and, consequently, she writes about every type of plant you can think of. Once an avid gardener with a herb garden, a succulent rockery, and a rose garden – to mention a few. Nowadays, she’s constantly on the move searching for interesting plants to bring to your attention; and explain to you all the details you need to grow, care and maintain these plants.

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