Do Snake Plants (or Mother in Law’s Tongue or Sansevieria) Like Humidity?

Snake Plants (or Mother in Law’s Tongue or Sansevieria)

Snake Plants (or Mother in Law’s Tongue or Sansevieria)

By using the crassulacean acid metabolism process the Snake Plants or Sansevierias or Mother in Law’s Tongue have exchanged oxygen and carbon dioxide which make these succulents withstand drought.

Do Snake Plants Like Humidity?

Yes. This kind of succulent is a tough plant that thrives in any humidity level and tolerates low or bright indirect light. Proper environmental conditions are still essential for Snake Plants to thrive and grow. They do that best in a room with a humidity of 40% and a temperature that ranges from 60 to 80 degrees

When you look back at the natural habitat of Snake Plants or Sansevierias. They hail from West Africa and its which climates are characterized by uniformity of high sunshine and high temperatures throughout the year.

Let’s discover more important environmental conditions that could be a great help for the proper care of your Snake Plants.


So, it is at your best to monitor the amount of light and how much humidity your Snake Plant is getting. More often, they prefer average humidity and thrive in most environments.

Some Snake Plants have enjoyed direct sunlight; however, they should be careful not to be placed in direct midday sunlight, or else they might end up being sunburned.

Snake Plants are tough plants that are difficult to kill. If ever you could provide these heat-loving succulents with enough sunlight, they will relatively thrive to their fullest.

If you want to grow them inside your home, place them in a window to let some cooler air in which will lower the humidity of the house.

Placing them in a window is ideal for this adorable stunning plant but with a specific time.

Dealing With High Humidity

As much as possible avoid excessive watering of your snake plants. Living in a tropical area the humidity is higher and you need to water your snake plants once a week.

In spring, summer and fall, water them every couple of days but in the winter, you will only need to water once a month.

Some Signs That Your Snake Plants Need More Humidity.

When the humidity is too low, here are some of the signs that your adorable Snake Plants are showing off.

• Yellow leaves
• Brown edges
• Drooping or curling leaves
• Wilting

Proper monitoring of the humidity of your home is recommended as the above signs are the same or like the signs of overwatering and underwatering. Let us be aware of the environmental conditions around us and your Snake Plants.


The Watering Schedule to Address Low or High Humidity Content At Home.

Typically, Snake Plants need to be watered every few days and then to follow through with your watering schedule.

Keep monitoring the humidity of your home or else you might either be under watering or over watering depending upon the humidity of the specific area where your Snake Plant is growing.

Whenever the humidity level in your home is low, you should adjust the amount of water, if the humidity is high, you will need to reduce watering.

Please be reminded that humidity is the water vapor found in the air. So then, if your house is more humid rather than an average house your Snake Plants need less water.

Overwatering will kill your adorable Snake Plants. These kinds of succulents are drought tolerant and require less frequent watering.

Snake Plants need less water, and they still thrive as they can store water in the leaves as most succulents do.

Keep in mind that watering mistakes are probably the primary cause of the death of your Snake Plants.

During spring, summer and fall water them every couple of days but in the winter, you will only need to water once a month.


By Using The Right Type of Soil in Humid Conditions.

• The Snake plant doesn’t need much water and excellent drainage capacity soil is essential for this succulent to thrive and grow under high humidity.

• A succulent soil mix is ideal to use that works well effectively under low and high humidity.

• But in another way, you can make succulent soil by mixing one part of regular potting soil, one part perlite, and one part sand.

• To prevent the Snake Plant from some issues of getting rot, well-draining soil is perfect for them.

• There is available soil specifically made for succulents in the market wherein you can purchase.

• Having the right type of soil is the foundation for growing the health of your Snake Plant thriving in any environmental conditions where they are placed.

• Soil plays a vital role in the success of this succulent to grow and be healthy regardless of how humid the environment is.

Tips Of Having a Good Humidity Level for Your Snake Plants

• We all know that Snake Plants love an average humidity hence, providing them and creating an ideal environment make a good impact on their growth. Here are some tips if you want to follow:

• Place an Aquarium. This could help and allow the humidity level of your room to boost. It acts as natural water that flows and evaporates, helping higher up the humidity level of the room.

• Keeping your plants together. The Snake Plants love to be with other plants, and they thrive as they are near to them.

• The rationale is that grouping the plants together will create the rising of humidity level because all the plants will release a small amount of moisture into the air when they transpire.

• By using the right type of soil. Giving your Snake Plants the right type of soil is the foundation for growing the health of your Snake Plant thriving in any environmental conditions.

• A succulent soil mix is ideal to use that works well effectively in a humid environment.

• However, you can make your own soil mixture by mixing one part of regular potting soil, one part perlite, and one part sand.

• Soil is one of the vital components for the success of your Snake Plants to grow and be healthy.

• Mini Greenhouse. This might be an ideal place for your Snake Plants that could give them full assurance of good humidity levels and help them thrive well

• Be sure that you keep your Snake Plants away from all heat sources like fireplaces or burning stoves. This heat may carry degrees of humidity that are harmful to your plant.

• Avoid overwatering. Let’s just allow the soil to dry thoroughly between watering and then water deeply. Using a pot with adequate drainage holes for the excess water to drain easily and the water can drain out at the bottom of the container.

• Overwatering your Snake Plants may cause root rot and a strong, sewage-like odor may puff upcoming from your plant.

Origins and Names of Snake Plants

These plants are those evergreen perennial plants that form dense stands and spread of its creeping rhizome, either way above ground or underground.

These adorable evergreen succulents have their stiff leaves grow vertically and the mature leaves are dark green with light grey-green cross-banding. Its width usually ranges from 70-90 centimetres wide, though it can reach its height above 6 feet in optimal conditions.

The leaves of the Snake Plants are amazingly arranged in a rosette around the growing point which has a great variation in foliage form.

Snake Plants are also known as Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, it is a species of Dracaena Trifasciata or Sansevieria Trifasciata, a flowering plant in the family of Asparagaceae and genus of Dracaena.

Snake Plants or Sansevierias are native to tropical West Africa from Nigeria east to Congo. It has common names like Saint George’s Sword because of the shape and sharp margins of its leaves, Mother-in-law’s tongue.

It symbolizes the sharp tongue of the mother-in-law and Viper’s Bowstring Hemp because it is being used to make bowstrings.

Snake Plants are succulents that store water in their very thick and sharp leaves. Nevertheless, it does not need to be watered every day.

Final Thoughts

To our knowledge, a Snake Plant or a Sansevieria is well known as an air purifier plant. It cleanses the air according to the studies and was also executed by NASA.

Their studies concluded that Snake Plants could get rid of toxic substances such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and nitrogen oxide.

Inasmuch as the benefits you could get out of these plants, they are now very popular as houseplants or indoor plants. A kind of succulent that is easy to care for and loved by everyone for its stunning look.

So, do Snake Plants like humidity. Yes. Indeed, we’ve learned that Snake Plants love average humidity levels and don’t grow well when humidity rises or falls by large amounts. They prefer to remain dry, and some succulents do.

Again, it is important to monitor the environmental conditions or the humidity of your room to ensure the best condition of your Snake Plants. Do keep them thriving rather than surviving and make the best care for them.

Overall, Snake Plants are easy to care for and excellent houseplants. Its adorable stunning looks make your office room, hotels, and houses more elegant and beautiful. They are great and unique plants. So, enjoy taking care of your beloved Snake Plants.

Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer

Edited By
Patricia Godwin

Patricia Godwin

Patricia has many years of experience as a content writer on various subjects, but her first love is gardening. She’s never met a plant she didn’t like and, consequently, she writes about every type of plant you can think of. Once an avid gardener with a herb garden, a succulent rockery, and a rose garden – to mention a few. Nowadays, she’s constantly on the move searching for interesting plants to bring to your attention; and explain to you all the details you need to grow, care and maintain these plants.

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