In terms of practicality, we should all be aware that, as much as we enjoy our indoor jungle, this is not typically the environment in which these plants would flourish.
We did everything we could to ensure our plants grew. Including continuous watering, we also fertilized, did insect inspections, and repotted when required. However, certain plants need a climbing pole – either a Coir Pole or a Moss Pole. As each situation is different, it’s impossible to advise you which to use or which is better.
We’ve given you all the facts below. Please make your own decisions!
What Is a Moss Pole?
Moss Poles are known for retaining a lot of water. Make sure to mist/wet your moss frequently if you want your plant’s aerial roots to grip onto the pole.
The objective is to get aerial roots to wrap around and develop into moss. They should do this much in the same way as they would naturally.
A good example would be, Monsteras are epiphytes, which explains why they have so many aerial roots.
Moss Poles are moss sticks, bamboo stakes, plant supports, climbing poles, and moss totems. It is a vertically upright item that is covered with moss.
A Moss Pole’s goal is to mimic a climbing vine’s natural growth habitat and feed it with micronutrients and water via aerial roots.
The Moss Pole, in essence, serves as a faux tree for your plants to cling to, and it’s a great choice for a broad range of houseplants, including Monstera Deliciosa and several Pothos varieties.
Providing assistance and nourishment to your plants, The Moss Pole adds a stunning look to your garden.
Epiphytes thrive on top of other plants, and many vining houseplants are epiphytes (usually a tree).
These plants thrive on the trunks of a tree at the peak of the forest canopy in the tropics.
The goal of a Moss Pole is to mimic a plant’s natural environment by providing an anchor point to which the plant attaches itself – not unlike a tree host in the wild.
This is the next best thing to providing a natural habitat for plants with long vines.
Nutrients And Water
The Moss Pole provides moisture and some micronutrients to vines that can produce adventitious roots through sphagnum moss.
Even though these growth media will not be as successful as moss on a tropical tree, they are significantly healthier for the plant than a standard pot or container.
Mature Leaves
Moss Poles enhance mature leaves of the plants by allowing your plant to sense the pole’s support as it climbs, resulting in bigger leaves. Larger leaves indicate more fenestrations (leaf holes or gaps) grow in the Monstera Deliciosa.
A Moss Pole is highly beneficial for a larger plant since it offers support, strengthens it, and provides a better environment for it to grow.
Vertical Appeal
A pothos Moss Pole is also helpful for giving your interior plants a vertical appearance. Many indoor producers use Moss Poles for aesthetic reasons.
Growing a plant upwards allows you to make the most of small areas while also designing your plant in any way you choose.
The Disadvantage of Using Moss Pole
For years, plant enthusiasts have been using sphagnum Moss Poles to assist their plants in climbing. The issue with Moss Poles is that they frequently go with plastic or metal stakes, which are entirely unsuitable for the environment.
It also raises the risk of these compounds leaking into the soil, which is not good for your plant.
The moss also needs continuous upkeep, emits the infamous wet moss odor, and is a sluggish resource, which makes it unsustainable.
What is a Coir Pole?
A Coir Pole is used for taller plants that require a rough platform to climb on.
This pole, like a Moss Pole, holds a lot of moisture. It is extremely durable and ideal for obstinate plants that need to be trained to climb.
To hold items in place, some gardeners use Velcro plant ties, which are also reusable.
Taking a closer look at the Moss and Coir Poles, particularly their pros and con, will help your further with your decision making regarding what to use for what situation.
The Coir Pole is the perfect support of plants for indoor climbing plants and vines since it keeps the moisture in the air for aerial root reception.
For additional height, the big poles may be piled on top of one other. Mist the poles often to keep them wet and encourage climbing.
Grow poles, plant poles, and plant climber sticks are all names for Coir Poles.
Wrapping coir twin and coir fiber sheets around PVC pipes and wood sticks create Coir Poles.
It’s perfect for creeping plants, such as decorative plants and even veggies.
Coir Poles are robust, water-retentive, and long-lasting, and they mix in with the plant, making it more visually attractive and well-supported.
It is widely regarded as one of the best organic growth media.
Importance of Having a Coir Pole in Your Houseplants
Coir Poles provide both plant and growth assistance. They’re made from coconut fibers that are 100 percent environmentally friendly.
Coir Poles are manufactured from coconut fiber sheets that have been processed and wrapped onto poles.
It serves as assistance for vines, shrubs, and other vegetable plants that require help to safeguard them when they grow.
Plant nurseries and horticultural farms frequently utilize Coir Poles. They are also great for sustaining indoor plants like creepers or decorative plants that you want to display on patios or in the yard.
They are also commonly used in vineyards to sustain grape plants as they mature.
Natural and Organic
Coir Pole’s rough texture and organic nature supply little nooks and crannies for aerial roots to grip on to, giving your climbers a natural feeling habitat.
Species like the Wandering Jew require a bit more encouragement to climb. But they are magnificent when they do, giving a vibrant and eye-catching visual show.
Several other kinds, including the Arrowhead, also gain from this type of support.
Optimum Water Retention
The Coir layer that wraps around the pole is comprised of natural, biodegradable coconut fibers that collect nutrients and moisture for gradual release to the plants.
Because Coir Poles are porous, the plant may produce many small roots all over its surface. It’s a huge aid in the growth of healthy plants.
Coir Poles help in the water holding capacity and absorption at the root level, preventing exposed roots from drying out. The stick’s excellent moisture retention capability allows plant rots to grasp natural organic Coir fiber mattresses.
Coconut fiber has been properly processed and wrapped into poles to ensure that they stay longer and can contain enough water for plants to grow smoothly.
Wooden sticks and PVC pipes are both available.
It is Sustainable
Coir Pole is a coconut waste that composes the coconut’s outer shell. It is taken out of the coconut so that both the plant and the Coir may be used. This is far more environmentally friendly than gathering sphagnum moss.
Sphagnum moss sheds in a way that some gardeners dislike. It gets everywhere as soon as you touch it by hand, so you can imagine what happens when a breeze passes by.
For instance, you might provide them with a climbing pole so they can climb higher. In this way, they can spread and climb just like what they do in their natural habitat which is in forests or jungles.
Final Thoughts
Having taken a closer look at the Moss and Coir Poles, particularly their benefits and drawbacks, you are now in a much better position to make the necessary decisions.
Have fun with your climbing plants and don’t forget to enjoy them. Also, enjoy the ‘decision making’ part – it’s a slice of the pleasure of owning and caring for plants!
Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer
Edited By
Patricia Godwin