Propagation is a sustainable and cheap way of having more duplicates of plants in your garden instead of buying new ones. There are only two ways of propagating Jasmine – one is by seed and the other is by stem cuttings in water. Fun and easy to do, it’s an inexpensive way of always having Jasmine near you.
Yes! You can propagate Jasmine in water by means of stem cuttings. Then you will always have Jasmine plants, created by yourself through means of a relatively easy process.
Here’s How to Propagate Jasmine Plant in Water
When propagating the Jasmine plant in water, only one method of propagation is applicable. Obviously, seeds are grown in soil and the available method we have is stem cuttings.
Stem cuttings are taking a small part of the mother plant and grow them either in soil or in water. In this segment, we will be talking about the water propagation method.
Generally, the whole process is similar except that you plant the stem cuttings in the water and not in soil.
The only advantage is that the water propagation method is much easier to perform than soil planting. All you need is a glass container and water. Unlike the other method wherein you must get your hands dirty.
Here Are the Steps on How to Propagate the Jasmine Plant In Water:
1. Prepare Your Tools
The first step you must take in mind when doing cuttings is the tools. Basically, you only need three items: glass containers, gloves, and a cutting tool.
The preferred cutting tool varies from one grower to another. It could be a pruner, a pair of scissors, or a sharp knife.
It doesn’t matter which one you use if it gets the job done. However, the cutting tool should be sharp enough to make a clean cut through the Jasmine plant.
Next are the gloves because you are dealing with sharp objects here and so you must protect yourself at all costs.
A cutting tool can easily damage your hands if you handle it carelessly. Accidents happen all the time, so you must wear gloves to keep your hands safe from harm.
The last tool you need is a glass container and they are responsible for propagating the stem cuttings in water. A standard size water glass is enough for this one. It is crucial to use glass containers for the light to pass freely through the container.
Once you get all the equipment ready, you can now proceed to the next step.
2. Getting Your Stem Cuttings
Before taking any stem cuttings, select a full-grown and healthy mother plant. Then, choose a healthy and semi-hard stem that is still green and sprouting leaves.
You can wiggle the stem a bit using your thumbs to see if the stem is still flexible or not. Otherwise, it’s not ideal for propagating.
You can take more than 1 cutting from a single Jasmine mother plant, but it should not be more than one-third of the mother plant.
With gloves on and cutting tool ready. Begin cutting gently towards the flexible stem for about 4 to 6 inches.
This size is enough to have space for planting once rooted. Make sure to cut the stem below the leaf node to have a higher chance of sprouting healthy roots.
A leaf node is typically the nub that the leaf grows from, and this is where the roots will grow once submerged in water.
The cuts should be precise which can only be achieved using a sharp cutting tool to prevent damaging the plant. If the knife edge is not sharp enough you will cause harm to the plant and it could go into shock.
3. Preparing the Stem Cuttings for Propagation
Once you gather your stem cutting/s, the next step is to clean it/them for water propagation. First, remove any leaves from the base of the cuttings because it/they are going to be submerged in water.
However, you can keep the leaves from the top part of the stem cutting/s that don’t get submerged.
By removing the leaves, it will encourage a balanced growth between root and leaves.
Also, remove the flowers from the cuttings because they will take most of the nutrients from the water slowing the rooting process of the cuttings.
You can either use your fingers to pluck the leaves out or use a cutting tool.
It’s best not to take cuttings from a blooming stem.
4. Prepare the Glass Containers
After cleaning the stem cuttings, they are now ready to be submerged in water until they have rooted. Fill the glass container with freshwater leaving an inch from the top.
In soil propagation, the stem cuttings are dipped in root hormones before planting them in the soil. You can still do the same process in water propagation for faster and stronger root growth.
Once everything is ready, submerge the stem cuttings in the glass container. If you have taken more than one cutting (which it’s best to do in case one doesn’t take), keep a maximum of three cuttings per container so that every cutting has equal nutrients.
Keep the glass containers indoors and place them near a window with enough access to sunlight. They should spend time inside that glass container for four to six weeks because this is how long it takes for the root to sprout.
If the cuttings do not root after six weeks, it means the rooting process failed and you must try again with new cuttings instead of waiting for it.
Transplanting the Cuttings
After six weeks, the roots should be healthily sprouted, and they are now ready for transplanting.
It is relatively easy to do, and you only need containers, potting soil, a trowel, and a pair of gardening gloves.
You have two options where to transplant the cuttings: a plant pot (container), or a hanging basket/container. Both works perfectly well if they have draining holes at the bottom. You don’t want them to soak in water otherwise the roots will rot killing the plant.
Use an all-purpose potting soil and fill the container using the hand shovel. You can buy an all-purpose soil at any gardening store or simply order it online.
Once the container is filled with soil, gently plant the cuttings in the middle pushing into the soil the bottom portion of the plant only.
Cover the plant with soil and pat the sides just to make the plant sturdy so that it won’t fall. Make sure to not plant any leaves below the soil because they will rot.
Lastly, water the Jasmine plant enough to moisten the soil and let it drain from the holes in the container. Place the Jasmine in an area where it can get at least 6 hours per day of direct sunlight.
You will then have a new set of full-grown Jasmine plants in your garden in no time.
Final Thoughts
The greatest advantage of propagating your Jasmine plant is not only will you always have duplicate Jasmine plants, but it also ensures that the plant will thrive in your environment granted that they are propagated in your area.
There are two ways to propagate a Jasmine plant: stem cuttings and planting seeds. These methods are common, and they require minimum effort. Both methods can produce healthy young Jasmine plants that can eventually be transplanted outdoors.
Interestingly, Jasmine plants originated in the tropics which means they are best situated outdoors once the weather starts to reach summer temperatures.
Jenny Marie
Tribal Writer
Edited By
Patricia Godwin